Empowering the Next Generation




The Edwin & Imogene Roomes Foundation has been established to honour the memories of Edwin & Imogene Roomes by assisting Jamaican students (primarily) in their educational pursuits.

This vision of using education as a tool for advancing the next generation is now embodied in the Foundation and our motto: "Empowering the Next Generation." We expect to give expression to this motto through the provision of scholarships and grants to students with financial need and academic promise, the donation of books and equipment as well as through partnering with other like-minded organizations to improve student learning and achievement.




The Foundation officially launched at the Roomes Family Reunion on July 15, 2018.

Edwin Roomes (1905-2003) and Imogene Roomes (1913-2016) lived in Roses Valley, near Balaclava in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. This simple couple of modest means successfully raised sixteen (16) children in the very difficult financial circumstances prevailing at the time. Edwin and Imogene did not have much formal education. However, they had enough to know that this held the key to the advancement of their children. As a result, they were diligent to provide the best education they could for each child, often at great personal sacrifice.  These children went on to have very successful careers as educators, nurses, builders and administrators. 

This strong emphasis on education has continued into subsequent Roomes generations, with many of the descendants of Edwin & Imogene having distinguished careers in law, business and the arts, among other pursuits. 

Currently, the leadership of the Foundation is made up of both children and grandchildren of Edwin & Imogene. However, we expect that, over time, more generations will become involved in formally leading the Foundation. The current leaders are Barbara Curtis, Claudette Morrison and Doris Quarrie (daughters), Grace Baugh (grand-daughter), Oral Roomes (son) and Stephen Roomes (grand-son).  This team meets quarterly to plot strategy, brainstorm fundraising activities and to review potential projects to support. 

There are several significant projects that are currently being considered. Please stay tuned as information on those projects will be available soon!


since then…


WE HAVE raised over $3,000 usd.

Roses Valley Primary School in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica is near and dear to the hearts of the children of Edwin & Imogene. The school was the place where all their children commenced their formal education. It is no surprise then, that the first project to be funded by the Foundation was one involving the school. 

In July 2018 the Foundation awarded grants to Amelia Anderson and Umeko Clarke at their Primary School graduation. These grants were used for tuition and books as these promising students pursue their secondary school education. Amelia is currently a student at Roger Clarke High School in Balaclava, St. Elizabeth and Umeko is a student at the Sydney Pagon STEM Academy in Elim, St. Elizabeth.  (Secondary school education is not free in Jamaica and can be rather challenging for families of modest means.) This is one practical way that we believe can help make a difference for students seeking to achieve academically.

We are extremely happy at the progress of these students as reflected in their report cards. They are performing very well academically and are showing great promise as leaders themselves. The grants were renewed for the 2019-20 school year and we expect will be for the 2020-21 school year as well. 

Congratulation ladies and keep up the good work!




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